Monday, May 17, 2010

NFL Anonymous

Anonymous Athlete, a new column in the New York Daily News, promises to bring out the secret lives of athletes.

It's not that we're voyeurs. Actually, it is that we're voyeurs. It's a miracle this isn't a reality TV show, yet, but it will be. And that will take the word, anonymous out of the 12-Step programs, which is bad, but okay. Anything to disseminate healthy changes, and athletes in 12-Step programs are modeling healthy changes.

The addictions programs based upon the 12-Steps emphasize anonymity because when you're anonymous, you feel more free to talk. And it's the talking that heals, having people.

I.M. Anonymous at the Daily News writes:
It’s only for a few months, because while the NFL is hard on guys like Brian Cushing (Houston Texans linebacker and reigning Defensive Rookie of the Year recently tested positive for a banned substance and will miss four games this season), it’s easy on players who use street drugs.
Players are tested at random for performance enhancing drugs, but only once a year, in the spring, for street drugs.
While the NFL is chasing down those PED “cheaters,” the real losers only need to cut back on drug use for about two months, in May and June. We’re warned at the very first meeting of May minicamp/OTAs by the head athletic trainer: “Annuals are this week …
In other words, they have advance warning so it's easy to stop the drug abuse in time for testing. Straighten up for two months, ditch your marijuana, your cocaine, and you're good.

Like that's so easy. At least they're good for now.


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