Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It's So Freaking Stupid

Those are the words of Margarite, a young woman who sent a boy a naked picture of herself using her cell phone.  We call it sexting, and it is a felony, transporting child pornography.  In many states law-makers are trying to make sexting a lesser offense, a misdemeanor.  But for now it implies jail time, what is called, juvie.

She thought she would impress him. The story is in the New York Times, the consequences dire. Margarite's picture followed her to a new school and she had to switch back. She is called a whore, a slut. She isn't, but that's what people call girls who send naked pictures to boys.

Boys, of course, who have pictures of boys won't dare show them to others. But girls? These go viral instantly.

Bully fodder. Any child who is a bully, who has aggressive inclinations, seizes upon an opportunity like this one. Margarite had social problems before, and now she will always wonder if she can trust anyone.

We've talked about it before on this blog. Everything on the Internet is permanent, and replicable. Watch who you friend.

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