Sunday, May 22, 2011

Censured: Delta Kappa Epsilon at Yale

Best known for the fraternity of both Presidents Bush, Delta Kappa Epsilon is banned from activities and recruiting for the next five years. DKE pledges chanted obscenities about women, apparently a hazing rite of passage. 

Pledges held signs, "We love Yale sluts," and chanted, "No Means Yes." Following complaints numerous young women came forward to say that their petitions about acquaintance rapes fell on deaf ears. Schools that receive federal funds must report such incidences to the Department of Justice and conduct hearings.

The fraternity came under fire in October after pledges marched through campus and chanted phrases about sex acts including necrophilia. Chapter leaders later apologized, and the national fraternity office ordered them only to stop all pledge activities.

Thus ends, we suspect, this particular rite of passage, one that in our parlance amounts to verbal violence. Yale is asking the fraternity's national office to suspend the chapter for five years.

Now that's the kind of response we're looking for.

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