Friday, May 27, 2011

Sex Offender Busted in an Apple Store

If you haven't been to an Apple store, you're missing something. We're free to browse on the best of the company's machines, try out new Aps, see what others are doing.

A sex offender who has been banned from the Internet-- for reasons we talk about on this blog-- has been apprehended in one such California store.  A sheriff's detective recognized Robert Nicholas McGuire browsing Facebook and logged into a computer right next to him.  He pulled up the Megan's Law, a sex offender web site to confirm his suspicions.  Pop in a zipcode, find the perpetrators living near by.

Had Mr. McGuire not been so engrossed in what he was doing, he might have noticed.

McGuire was arrested outside of the store.

Certainly one way to catch a sex offender.

Linda Freedman

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