Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Military Kids Helping One Another-- Surviving Father Loss

Probably all schools should have a number of social workers, but in these hard economic times we're lucky if each school district hires just one. 

Divorce, loss, death.  These happen every day and children suffer, can't express, don't know how to answer questions. 

We're hearing that there's a summer camp that helps children of fallen veterans cope with their feelings.  "Good grief!" used to be what Charlie Brown said when facing frustration, but now it's caught on in other venues.

The kids interviewed describe the annual "good grief" camp organized by the nonprofit Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors every Memorial Day weekend as one outlet that's allowed them to learn to work through their feelings, and many attend every year. The activities range from going to a baseball game and seeing the horses used at Arlington National Cemetery to writing a letter to their deceased parent that's released in a balloon.
Apparently  each kid has a mentor for the weekend  and adult survivors meet for sessions, too.

Sounds fantastic, and we hope we don't sound too jaded when we say we hope someone is keeping an eye on the kids, making sure there's no exploitation.

For sure, too jaded.

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